Sunday, 19 July 2020

The Popularity of the Nemo

The nobody, the man, the human being. Through the ages we have prided ourselves as a species that has superior thought and reasoning. We have proclaimed ourselves as wise and being handed wisdom to guide and change the world for the better. We have mastered the elements, we designed and created, we reasoned with wisdom and we said all is good.

Throughout the ages man has been the master of his own design creating and building that which he thought and sought to extinguish the everlasting desire to be above those that he sees and portrays as less worthy. Our human experience has led to the ultimate design of superiority, power and lust.
Yet our most valuable asset, reason and wisdom is overshadowed by the constant search for the master key to the thorny issue of fear. Fear which drives the most reasonable of men to insanity, fear that creates the utmost and horrendous of deeds.

Fear has been part and parcel off our lives the past six months, we held on to hope that was burned and went up in smoke with the stroke of a pen, yet those that we considered our mentors and leaders coward from the face of humanity. They took to the streets and proclaimed the new normal, while they themselves were looking for the new master key to open the door for the new dawn.
I have seen and noticed through my short lifespan that in these trying times those that were a nobody embodies that witch the strong and mighty fear. The nemo uses his ability of stealth and invisibility to amass strength to corrupt those that are less fortunate than the leaders of the day. We have created systems to oppress those who we fear, the nemo, the one that might challenge my position in society, the one that questions my thought, yet none of these systems have worked, their design was and is fragile. I have seen that the oppressing of the Nemo has led to much greater sorrow. Just as Odysseus has tricked Polyphemus the Nemo begins to understand that the New master key lies in the lies of the master, they use it to wield it to their own benefit. Slowly they use their invisibility to change the course of the river.

In recent history we have seen these Nemos growing from humble origins into power and nearly unstoppable monsters, those monsters Frederick Nietzsche so explicitly warned us about. I myself have seen how the corruption of power has been laid bare, for as long as I can gain from you and not give back, I am in control and for as long as I am in control  I hold the master key to open the door to the new dawn. By using your compassion to support my endeavours and not mentioning yours. Yet it is in these suffocating circumstances that we create that one monster we fear. But we see compassion as a symbol of weakness. By taking compassion and hope and feeding it to the wolves as food, we are creating a generation of deranged youth, that same youth, that Hitler, Stalin, Castro and Mao understood.

Are we now handing down the new Master key, to a new master, or will we give those that want to be heard the oxygen to breathe? I do not foresee that, the wolves have long been at the door, the corporate world have fed the masters fat! You shall see the new Nemo rising with the coming new dawn, for you have suffocated those that should be heard.

The dawn of the popularity of the Nemo who will wield the Master key!