Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Life Happens

I have to say sorry to all who reads my blog. Things have just been one jam from last Saturday,  I drove my Bakkie into a gate. Things just didn't seem to work out during the week and my writers spirit somehow also flew the coop. I'm working on a couple of short pieces, but what the heck sometimes life just happens. 

Oh and me and my wife started planning on our trip for June-July. So, some of my time had been devoted to it also. We are planning to drive from the farm all the way to Malawi via Mozambique, back through Zambia into Botswana and then home, total time 20 days. I will keep you posted on our plans, it is still early times and Lanel wants to go to Madagascar. Things might just swing towards that idea. Depends if the family starts growing at a sudden rate. So hold your thumbs for that one.

Keep you all posted.